Regular Combat Rooms

Rooms where the player must defeat regular enemies in combat in order to progress, getting rewards to improve the characters by doing so.

Boss Rooms

Rooms where the player must defeat boss enemies in combat in order to progress, getting rewards to improve the characters by doing so. The rewards are better than the ones from Regular Combat Rooms.

Special Rooms

Shop Rooms: Room where the player can spend gold earned to progress characters. If one of the characters selected by the player at the start of the run has died, there might be a chance a new random character can be recruited from the shop to join the party, for a fee. The level of this character will be scaled to the floor of the dungeon he is found in.

Shrine Rooms: Room where the player will be able to restore a big portion of Hp and Mana.

Hp and Mana Restoration

Independent of what type of room it is, before leaving a room all characters restore 10% of their total Hit Points and Mana.

Without this restoration per room the player would be forced to take a Healer character or they would be eventually worn down. This allows for more flexibility when putting together teams at the start of a run.