Character Levels
After defeating enemies, characters will earn XP (experience points). After a certain amount of XP is earned, the characters will level up.
On average, every 3 floors characters will have leveled up 5 times (1.666 levels per floor). This means that by the time they reach the final boss at the 15th floor they should be around level 25.
When a character levels up he/she is given 3 stat points to spend amongst Hit Points, Strength, Intellect and Agility. These stat increases are permanent. Stats given by Equipment only last while characters have that piece of equipment on.
- Hit Points: How much damage a character can take. If the Hit Points of a unit reach 0, that unit dies.
- Mana: Used to cast spells.
- Speed: The speed of units determines the the order at which units will take action during a Turn.
- Attack Power: Increases damage dealt with attacks.
- Critical Chance: Determines if an attack is a critical hit or not.
- Magic Power: Increases damage dealt with spells.
- Healing Power: Increases healing done with spells.
- Status Effect Resistance: Increases chance of resisting status effects.
- Armour: Reduces physical damage taken.
- Magic Armour: Reduces magical damage taken.
- Fire Armour: Reduces fire damage taken.
- Frost Armour: Reduces frost damage taken.
- Shock Armour: Reduces shock damage taken.
- Armor Penetration: Increases physical damage dealt by reducing the Armour of the unit being attacked.
- Magic Penetration: Increases magical damage dealt by reducing the Magic Armour of the unit being attacked.