Since or theme is a mix between medieval fantasy and a nightclub I thought it would be a good idea to have a castle as a big nightclub. I took the inspiration from a castle in “ Disenchantment” and added various neons and lights.
I took some screenshots from “Disenchantment” and “Phineas and Ferb” to study the structure and design of the inside of the castle.
Ideally, I want to add graffiti on the walls of the castle to give it a more modern feel. The original design has a ball-shaped roof on one of the buildings and I thought it would look good as a big disco-ball shaped building with glass windows where you could see the shining lights from coming inside.
Above the main entrance will be a large billboard with the name of the club. We don’t know just yet what the name will be but through my research, I came across a really interesting name “Pandemonium” - the name comes from the book “Mortal Instruments - City of Bones” by Cassandra Clare. I especially like the separation of the words “Pan-Demon-ium” which foreshadows the supernatural nature of the club. We are aiming to come up with something similar.
For the colour palette, I chose neon colours and a range of dark colours for the background to showcase that the events of the games are happening during the night.