The characters shown in the mood board have similar features in common

for example :

The glowing eyes - to show the magic within them

Pointy ears - as the creatures are non-human // more elf-like

Horns -to seem more dangerous and powerful

All those features were implemented to our design.

Outfit Mood Board

Inspired by Korean fashion and kpop.

We decided to choose Korean fashion because it is more unique then the western one. It is more creative and out there plus the ones shown in the mood board already resemble video game characters.

Taking inspiration from previously made mood boards I created a female mage character with 3 different outfits to see which one fits her best. After showing them to my team leader - Bernardo he was really pleased with her design. We decided to take forward the character nr 1 as she has the brightest and most colourful outfit which will help her stand out in the dark night club.

Later I made a more detailed version of her design. She has new shoes as well as a plaid skirt. Also, there are more details visible like her bra.

I decided to fill the character with one flat colour as it is easier to see her design and it will be easier for me later to recreate her body type, outfit and to pose her.